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buruh kasar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "buruh kasar"
  • buruh:    coolie; laborer; labourer; working class; labor;
  • kasar:    abrupt; brushque; brushquely; churlish; coarse;
  • pekerjaan buruh kasar:    blue collar job
  • kasar:    abrupt; brushque; brushquely; churlish; coarse; crude; curt; gross; gruff; harsh; indelicate; inelegant; leathery; lowbread; menial; nervy; not to mince words; rough; rough hewn; roughshod; rugged;
  • buruh:    coolie; laborer; labourer; working class; labor; labour; labour, labor; labourer, laborer; childbed; manual laborer; labor '' ''; jack; prole; push; moil; drive; parturiency; confinement; grind; tra
  • amaril kasar:    rock emery-stone
  • anatomi kasar:    gross anatomy
  • angka kasar:    crude rate
  • bagan kasar:    rough sketch
  • bahan kasar:    roughage; dietary fibre
  • bahasa kasar:    profanity; foul language
  • baja kasar:    crude steel
  • banyolan kasar:    slapstick
  • batubara kasar:    large-coal; lump-coal
  • berbicara kasar:    slang
  • These are hands of a laborer, I might hurt him.
    Aku buruh kasar! Mungkin tanganku nanti bisa menyakitinya.
  • What am I supposed to do? I'm not even qualified for manual labour.
    Aku bahkan tak bisa jadi buruh kasar.
  • Nothing like a little manual labor... on the most romantic night of my life.
    Sempurna. Tidak seperti seorang buruh kasar kecil... Pada malam paling romantis dalam hidupku.
  • Cheap labour, factory space, but they feel a lot safer living over the border in El Paso.
    Buruh kasar, buruh pabrik, tapi mereka merasa jauh lebih aman hidup di perbatasan EI Paso.
  • He says that in most transactions, the company has come to meet directly with the customary rights holders, and then set out its promises. One of these was that it would give work to local residents, but in practice that has been limited to unskilled labour.
    Menurutnya untuk proses transaksi, perusahaan biasanya datang langsung bertemu dengan pemilik hak ulayat, sembari menyampaikan janji-janji. Termasuk janji mempekerjakan warga di perusahaan, yang realisasinya hanya sebagai buruh kasar.